ANST - Documentation (ches)

Russell Husted husted at
Thu Feb 18 06:15:53 PST 1999

   I like that. You didn't even have to call it "documentation" even 
though it was and those who have fear of it would still be quite 
comefortable. Neat. Good PR. Thank you.


<snip from ches>
Last year I ran the Steppes Artisan competition. It is a body of work
competition where documentation is requested. At least the one I did
requested documentation. As part of the sign in for the artisans there 
was a sheet explaining that if they did not bring documentation to 
please fill out the following information and have it on the table with 
your entry. It was the questions that Gunnora posted earlier for what to 
put on a 3x5 card. Along with the artisan competition were three 
displays, a first effort display, a scroll painting display, and a 
children's display. All three were encouraged but not required to have 
documentation. Most had documentation.

This went over rather well and everyone had documentation on their 
tables that were competing. All it took was the effort of one person, 
the autocrat, and following through by the gate person as each artisan 
signed in. The rest the artisans seem all to glad to do. You give a 
little, we give a little, it is a team effort. We have to begin 
somewhere. Baby steps grow into leaps for mankind. 

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