ANST - would love to find a teacher

Arabella de Montacute ladyarabella at
Tue Feb 23 10:19:52 PST 1999

     I'm personally looking for someone who knows the mechanics of
ladies hairstyles.  These questions keep coming into my head.
"What did they do with their hair to wear that hat?"
"What is that wrapped around that braid and How do I do that, so I can
look just like the painting because my dress does and I feel not
"How can I add hair extenstions to achieve that look?"
"How did they wrap hair around their ear, it looks like an ear muff?"
"How did Elizabeth I get her hair to stand up in what looks like rounded 
devils horns?"

See what I mean.  I know how to braid and do a teriffic job.  Ladies
seek me out at events.... "Arabella will you do my hair?" Especially
when it's hot outside. I want to carry it further.  I can do the
research and find examples... just look at portraits.  I want to know
how to achieve that look, so I can do it on other people's heads.

HELP!!!  Please answer me privately, as I am not on the Ansteorran List 
at this time.  Copy back to the list if you have information which 
everyone could use.  I thank you all for your patience and time.

Sincerely and in faithful service to Barony and Kingdom,
Lady Arabella de Montacute, Chronicler
Secretary to the Steward of
Ansteorra's Twentieth Year Celebration AS XXXIV (July 1999)
Barony of Elfsea,
Kingdom of Ansteorra
email - ladyarabella at

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