ANST - RE: Class Handouts

marsha.greene at marsha.greene at
Tue Feb 23 14:08:28 PST 1999

Greetings to Ansteorra,
As Autocrat to the recently held Westgate Winter Collegium, A Heraldic and
Scribal Symposium, in Houston, TX, I asked all the teachers (25 of them) to
provide me a copy of their handout, as I wished to prepare a 'Symposium'
booklet.   My intent was to have all the handouts in advance, so the
booklet could be given at the door.  Alas, in typical SCA fashion, (getting
things done late), over half of the handouts were given to me the day of
the event (*grump*!).  I sort of expected this, but hoped otherwise.   I
received a total of 17 handouts (which is actually pretty good)...  :-).

Some of the handouts were beautifully done, with sample graphics and
pictures, completed with a bibliography.  Some were outlines only, some
bibliography only.  Some teachers had no handout at all.

I have been reading with interest the discussions on Documentation.  I
would like to see what the populace thinks on the topic of Class Handouts.

My perspective:
If a teacher is presenting a class on an SCA related topic, they probably
have done some preparation on the subject matter.  Similar to
Documentation, teachers should provide some information, even if it mirrors
their class exactly, to the students; and hopefully include a bibliography.
The class didn't just appear out of the teacher's dreams, but had a source.
Even a strickly hands-on class can have an accompanying handout to refresh
the students memory on the techniques, steps and sources for further study.
What say you all??
Bn. Hillary Greenslade        Westgate

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