ANST - ATYC Feast Help

Rosario rosario at
Thu Jul 15 09:39:07 PDT 1999

Now that It's almost been a week since this monumental task, I still can't believe that we pulled it off.
I can't even begin to start naming all the wonderful folks that worked on the feast just from those that worked a 
couple hours to those that never left the parking lot for a weekend. I feel that a simple Thank you is not enough,
just know how honored I am to have so many friends,that gave up there time for this feast.
And a Special Thank you to all of you that put up with me being Grumpy,Paranoid, Arrogant and anything else ya'll mutterd under your breath....haha..I heard you.
To Sir Galen, Arabella, and Richard, Thank you for letting me go over budget, getting that really fabulous tent, and my Big Fridge...and having faith in this Western region hick..GRIN.
We cooked the Largest Feast in Ansteorra's History,
about 830 people..and You all did it.

In Service
Master Rosario InCarboni

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