ANST - History of Raven's Fort is being requested...

Berta Allen chrystal_dragon at
Fri Jul 30 22:18:44 PDT 1999

Please join us...
Now is the time to put your perspective and input on
the history of Raven's Fort, starting way back from
the beginning (if you were there) through to the current
present day.  We will be having meetings every Wednesday
evening (7pm - 10pm) through the Wednesday before Defender
of the Fort (Sept. 15th) at David and Chrystal's house.
We will be sorting, copying, organizing, recording, scanning,
storing, etc. historical information that you, the populace
brings (please, no BS...) and all known aspects on the
history of Raven's Fort and before it was known as Raven's
Fort (how many out there know the original name the group
was going to attempt to pass?). If you are unable to attend,
please send an email including your information/history to: 
chrystal_dragon at
By doing this, we hope to give everyone the opportunity to
have their say and put their $.02 cents worth (or more, just
a figure of speech). We are also wanting to fill any gaps or
holes and set the record straight.
If you can make clean, readable copies of anything you want
to keep before hand - great. If not, we should be able to
scan the document.
Please consider making the time for this endeavor when and if
you can. It is part of what we attempt to do as a whole -
re-create history - and every populace member should attempt
to be a part of it. While we are doing this, we will be
archiving all of the 2 dimensional to zip disk and creating
2 sets for back up among other things...
Once Defender is behind us, we will be continuing this endeavor
by combining it with Scribes and Illuminators Guild (2nd
Thursday of each month, 7pm - 10pm at David and Chrystal's house.
By doing it this way, maybe it won't get as behind again...
Anyone with pictures, newspaper articles, slides, hand written
stories, etc. please loan them to us long enough to copy or should be able to take them home that same evening
providing the equipment is cooperative (should be, its brand
The dates for the Wednesday Historian Meetings through
Defender of the Fort are:

August 4, 11, 18, 25
September 1, 8, 15

Thanks to everyone for doing what ya can, when ya can!!
HE Chrystal Ariana MacRuari
Baroness of Raven's Fort

"The ideal of the world resides in individual improvement:
it will grow with your strength, grow beautiful with your
perfection. But for you to follow this path, two things
matter above all else: an ardent curiosity for life and
an unprejudiced mind."  --Peter Paul Rubens--(the painter...)

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