ANST - Thank you!(Sorryit'slongandIpromiseIwon'tdoitagain.)

Lael Portwood rlportwood at
Tue Jun 15 17:57:08 PDT 1999

Vallust and I would like to thank the following people for making our
investiture run so smoothly and so fun:

Curnan and Alethea:  What a party!  You outdid yourselves.  We couldn't
have asked for more!
Eleanor:  Thanks so much for the hat (and what a hat it is!) and for all
the support and friendship.
Tori:  Thanks for making my kids' costumes.  You can't begin to know how
much burden that took off my shoulders.  You did a beautiful job!
Boo:  Thanks for all the phone calls and the candy.  As always, you come
April and Egan:  Thanks for all the help with the party and for helping
us set up camp.  Egan, wherever I was you were there helping me.
Kayleigh:  Thanks for pinch-hitting on our processional.  You did a
great job as always.
Thorfinn:  Thanks for the liquid "attitude adjustments" for everyone.
Selwyn and Laurie:  Thank you for the breakfasts and the coffee each
morning.  Your friendship is invaluable.
Muriell and Pepin:  Thanks for the BIG banner with my BIG dogs!  It is
truly awesome!  I have unrolled it and stared at it many a time since I
got home.  My hat is off to you and your talent.
James:  Thank you so much for padding the coronets.  You did a great job
with so very little to work with.
Kaynin, Oriana, Jasper, and Dusty:   Thanks for all your help.  Your
service was absolutely invaluable to us.  We also would like to thank
you for the quivers.  I am speechless.  But I have to tell you that when
you first pulled them out of your bag I thought you were giving us snake
leggings.  I guess being an avid hunter, these kind of thoughts pop into
my head now and again.
Margaret MacDuff:  Your artistic talent is amazing.  Thank you for doing
all you did for us.
Godfrey and Constance:  Your help was so sorely needed.  Thank you for
being there and pitching in with everything you did.  And thank you for
putting up with us.  Kuddos!
Niccola:  Last but never least.  Thanks for everything you do and you do
a helluva lot!  You mean the world to us.
And thanks to the Shire of Adlersruhe and Wilkin and Ophelia.  Thanks
for having us and doing such a great job!  We really appreciate it.

I probably have left some of you out and I profusely apologize.  Thanks
to you all and to the people that came to the event.  I hope everyone
had a great time.  Because of you all, we did.

Always in Service to the Dream, the Kingdom, and the wonderful people of
this realm,

Vallust and Ascelyn Balstene
Baron and Baroness of Bonwicke

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