ANST - re - Archers of Ansteorra (Rant and Rave)

jhartel jhartel at
Sun Mar 14 20:27:41 PST 1999

Bob Dewart wrote:

> I also believe that each and every Ansteorran archer should get down on
> their knees and give thanks to God for the rain that saved them the most
> sever beating in our history!!

Geeze here we go again.  Not *ALL* the Ansteorran archers depend on you
Gilli.  I know that HE Octavia brings her own arrows and I am pretty
sure that a handful of other archers would have too.  Octavia has been
combat shooting for years at Gulf War.  I first marshalled at GW 3 and
she was there with arrows in quiver and this was BEFORE you got onto
the  "arrow" scene.

Please come down off your high would be highly embarrassing
for you to get a bloody nose from that height.

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