ANST - Re: Ansteorran Uniforms

Robert_Smetek at Robert_Smetek at
Thu Mar 18 06:25:29 PST 1999

Howdy Y'all,

KM said,

>ok, how about this. the fighters could wear a surcoat or tabard (can you
>imagine the sight of all that black and gold?).
>and from the front you'll be showing your device, the enemy
>will be able to identify who they're fighting, and your freinds will
>know not to attack you.

I think he has a very good point here.
During one of the practice fort battles a man tapped me on the shoulder
with his sword and said "attacker", I didn't know this man from Adam and I
also didn't know that the gate had been breached already.
If not for that man's chivalry I would have had no idea what side he was
I'm sure that alot of people will say that this is very period (and they
would be very right) but SCA combat is a sport.
In Ansteorra personal glory has always been very high, but if you already
have your device on your shield do you really need to also wear it on your
chest too?

This Scot is now going to slink back to his hole. :)



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