ANST - A&S Documentation

maddie teller-kook meadhbh at
Mon Mar 1 17:42:25 PST 1999

Basically, what you need to do is:

1. Describe the item (what is it, what was it used for).  Ex. This is a helm
from Germany 1400's used by...

2. Describe how it would have been made... Describe how the helm would have

3. Describe how you made it and what you did differently and why. Example:
State what tools, metal, design you did different from the period helm and

4. List a bibliography of all your references.

Your documentation should fit on one page.  Be concise and to the point...
'just the facts".


P.S.  Good luck!
----- Original Message -----
From: Warren T. Klinger <bentnose at>
To: <ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG>
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 1999 7:35 PM
Subject: ANST - A&S Documentation

>Greetings to my fellow Ansteorrans:
>I plan on displaying something at Lyonesse this weekend and need help
>writing my documentation.  What do I need to put in my documentation?
>How long or short does it need to be?  I have displayed before, but never
>with documentation and I would like to learn how.
>Thank you for your time,
>In Service to the Kingdom and the Dream
>Lord Angus Duncan Cameron
>Shire of Mendersham
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