ANST - Period Scams

Margo Lynn Hablutzel Hablutzel at
Wed Mar 31 05:04:56 PST 1999

I dunno - depending upon your perspective, the Crusades might count.

(I did like Lady Genevieve de Courtanvaux's comment about "whether or not
you are going to PRAY (not prey) for a person that may or may not exist"
since some of the reports about the Catholic religion in the Middle Ages
and especially the Renaissance seemed more as if they were PREYING ON the
flock instead of PREYING FOR the flock.  But did anyone else read that the
Catholic church is considering reviving indulgences?)

Someone noted about the false weights, and I know how they played out for
bakers.  They had to sell loaves by weight not size because they could let
a smaller piece of dough overrise and look like a bigger loaf, but you
bought more air.  Also, the "baker's dozen" of 13 instead of 12 came as a
way of ensuring the customer received proper weight and value of the goods.

                                ---= Morgan (who's going to stay
                                        in Ansteorra, it seems,
                                        not move to Atlantia)

           |\     THIS is the cutting edge of technology! 
           |/     Morgan Cain * Hablutzel at
                     Barony of the Steppes * Ansteorra
                    daytime: margolh at

 Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty.
                           (Jacob Brownoski)
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