ANST - Galileo vs. Rome

stjeanp stjeanp at
Wed Mar 31 08:12:03 PST 1999

I've been having some e-mail problems, so this is a redux of the letter I
tried to send earlier.  If that one made it though, I apologise for the
waste of bandwidth.

Magnus penned:
>> I'm just happy that just a couple of years ago, the catholic church 
>> claimed Galileo WAS RIGHT in his discovery that the earth was not the
>> physical center of the universe.
To which Tamlin responded:

>Yea, but they did NOT recind his excommunication, because, afterall, the Pope
>who excommunicated him WAS infallible!
Just to clear a few misconceptions up, I'm adding:
Galileo was not punished for his discovery.  He was punished for using it
to attack the scriptures.  In fact, Pope Urban VIII was a close friend of
Galileo was put under house arrest.  The terms of his "imprisonment" were
that he could use the houses of his friends.  He was never tortured, and
was treated quite well.He wasn't (as far as I can tell) excommunicated.  He 
was buried in
consecrated ground within the church of Santa Croce at Florence.  In fact,
Pope Urban VIII send his special blessings to Galileo (his friend) when he
was on his death bed.
If I've goofed anything up, please let me know.
Warmest regards,

Pat in Houston    1997 XLH 883 (Rocinante)
AMA #628294 TMRA #32588 HOG #1027226          EKIII codes with me!

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