ANST - Judging Standards (Was: A&S - does utility count?)

Fopdejour1 at Fopdejour1 at
Sun May 9 18:12:18 PDT 1999

In a message dated 5/10/99 12:29:27 AM !!!First Boot!!!, 
lealdricson at writes:

<< OK, I'm going to open a can of worms here.
>> I have seen the new judging forms and they are a great help in the 
 equalization of judging of varying entries in A&S competitions.  The problem 
 with this form (and any other judging really) is that there is still a LOT 
 of room for interpretation of the criteria.<<

Yes there is, I agree.  I think it is necessary for some interpretation.
 >>I know of one instance in particular that applies to the seciton of the 
 for involvment of the artisan in the materials.  The item being judged was a 
 peice of garb.  All of the piece was made by the artisan and was very nice 
 (It won the competition).  The scores received by the aritsan ranged from 4 
 down to 1.  The reason given for the 1 score was that the artisan did not 
 weave the cloth herself.<<

::sigh::: Judging is SO subjective, it really is...The only remedy I can 
think of personally, is even more justification in the documentation.  That 
isn't really a fix, just a suggestion.  I know, it sounds like every time I 
post on A&S, I seem to push documentation, but with examples like that, 
there's no help for it.  
 >>So my question here is;  In the situation where an artisan makes a peice 
 garb, by hand from materials (cloth, thread, buttons) that were bought, what 
 should the score have been.<<

Who knows, that depends on how well their their sewing skills are.  For 
example finish work, stitch uniformity, etc.  I personally would give a 
person "snaps" for simply attempting to hand sew a piece of garb, I am 
>> I do woodwork.  When I enter and item, to receive top score do I have to 
 fell the tree and hew the wood into planks myself?  Must I plant the tree, 
 wait twenty years, fell it, hew it, and then work it to get top score? 
 (tounge firmly in cheek on that last one)<<

It would seem to be the interpretation of those judges that that would be 
necessary.  IMHO, I wouldn't knock a person for store bought fabrics, just 
justify it in their documentation.  If you did grow the tree and fell it and 
everything else, I would worship you as an A&S!!!!
 >>What needs to be set is just what each of those numbers represent.  I have 
 seen the form (at least one version of it) and there are some 'criteria' 
 listed, but is does not tell how much is necessary to get a 5.<<

I have always just assumed 3 was average if it were a 1-5 scale and 5-6 
average if it were a 1-10 scale.
>> One factor in ANY judging will be how much the judge likes it.  This is 
 human nature.  How do you quantitfy a subjective measure such as 'Overall 
 Appearance'?  You can't.  What can be done is that judging A&S entries needs 
 to be a skill that is taught.  To everyone who will be judging, be they 
 Laurels, Irises, or any other.<<

He he he...I almost posted that before, but was afraid to deal with the 
flames...::Stands up really tall::  I Agree!!!!  If it were feasible, some 
sort of judging instruction would be nice.
>> This is something that will take time, but if it can be done it will go a 
 long way to healing the wounds of many artisans who WILL NOT enter an A&S 
 competition because they have better things to do than stand up and have 
 judges tell them that they are worthless.<<

AGHHHH!!!!! Worthless....surely not!!!!  :::goes off muttering about 
insensitive judges:::
 Anyway, enough of the soap box.  I'll stop now.  (Getting out the 
 marshmallows to toast on the flames that will be comming my way soon)
Can I have a Marshmallow?

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