ANST - Terracotta Sculpture

Nathan W. Jones njones at
Wed May 12 11:52:33 PDT 1999

Greetings my friends!

I've asked this question before, but it's been a while so
I figured I'd ask again.

Has anyone seen, heard of, or read anything about terracotta
sculpture in our period, or plaster sculpture?  Surely they 
must have done it.  And, by sculpture, I mean 'art for art's 
sake', not necessisarily tilework, functional pottery or such.

I can find tons of stuff for Roman times, but have yet to 
turn up anything for 600AD-1600AD.  The possibility that 
they suddenly stopped making cheap, easily reproducible 
art around 300AD is unbelievable.  

I'm guessing that part of what I am up against is the concept
the church had of these being 'idols' and maybe stamping them
out for a while, but I've yet to find anything either supporting
or refuting that guess.

But, (again, just a guess) surely by the time of the Renaissance
there was enough of a middle class to support a cheap decorative
art.  Especially in cities where it was hard enough keeping up
with the 'Medici's'.  I refuse to believe that all sculpture in
our period was either done in stone or cast metal.

And so I appeal to all artists of every medium, if you have
seen any reference to some sort of terracotta or cast plaster
art, sculpture or ornament, in our period, please point me in 
the direction you found it.


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