ANST - (an aside on inkle weaving)

Mark&Sue uriel at
Wed May 19 17:34:18 PDT 1999

Mstrsmara at wrote:

>  I read a post a few days ago, someone was wondering why they had to do
> documentation on an item such as inkle weaving, there are tons of documentation
> out there on the subject, why
> have more.

Oddly enough I was recently re-reading Helene Bress's definative work on inkle
weaving.  She states that while the word "inkle" is indeed period, researches
don't know precisely to what it refers except that it was a tape weaving of some
kind.  The inkle looms we use today were introduced to the US by Mary Atwater in
the 1930's.  If someone has tons of documentation on inkle weaving, I'd sure like
to get ahold of it. 8>D)


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