ANST - Survey....

gptaylor gtaylor at
Fri Nov 12 07:02:10 PST 1999

Good morning.
How many of you received this "survey" today?  Obviously, I did.  It
implies that it is someone's senior project.  What the heck is a Senior
Project Consulting Team, anyway?  It might be something
academic-related, but I'm really doubting it, unless he's in
marketing/business.  It sounds much more like a way for someone to grab
demographic information and associate it with my email address, for the
purpose of finding out how much medieval clothing I have the potential
of buying.  I'm not wasting my time to help someone decide if I'm going
to buy things from him...without a whole lot more information....


        Senior Project SCA Survey
        Thu, 11 Nov 1999 19:04:10 -0600
        David Killian <quishmar at>
        <gtaylor at>

This survey was compiled by and is intended for the benefit of a
senior project consulting team from Bradley University.  The answers
are confidential and will only be used for analysis and support of

Instructions for filling out the survey.
First, reply to this email.  This will allow you to edit the survey.
Please type your answers to each of the questions in the space
Send the survey back to us.

Thank you for your time

1.  Age:   ________

2.  Sex (M/F):   ________

3.  Do you have Internet Access (Y/N)?   ________
     (If you answered no, skip to question #6)

4.  Have you ever purchased anything off of the Internet (Y/N)?

        If you have purchased medieval items off of the Internet, what
of items have you purchased?

5.      If it were possible to buy quality customized medieval clothing
over the Internet and have it shipped to you,
        would you be interested (Y/N)?   ________

6.      What SCA related newsletters and magazines do you read to find
medieval information?

7.      Do the advertisements in these publications impact your buying
habits (Y/N)?   ________

8.      How many medieval events do you attend each year?   ________

9.      How often do you purchase medieval clothing (# of times per

10.     How much do you spend on medieval clothing each year?   ________

11.  Have you ever heard of or visited Sofi's Stitches (Y/N)?

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