ANST - Fw: Damage Control (Re: Survey "Scam")

Genevieve de Courtanvaux gdc at
Fri Nov 12 19:47:17 PST 1999

This survey also went to the historic costume list and the SCA Garb list.
One of the people on the SCA Garb list did a little research and this is
what she has to say about the survey. If you received the survey I think you
should read this as the owner of the store has sent an apology to everyone.

>Hello Everyone,
>This message was originally posted on the SCA-East listserve
>I am posting it to SCA-Garb and H-Cost
>Please forward it to any other lists that you know were hit by the survey.
>It would be a real shame if this woman's business suffered due to the
>cluelessness of the students.
>(Note: Excess forwarding headers, garbage code, and a phone number
>deleted for clarity and privacy concerns)
>---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------
>Date:        11/12/99 9:26 PM
>Received:    11/12/99 9:31 PM
>From:        Vanessa Layne, dagoura at
>Reply-To:    SCA-East, sca-east at
>To:          SCA-East, sca-east at
>             carolingia at
>-Poster: Vanessa Layne <dagoura at MIT.EDU>
>SENT TO: carolingia
>         sca-east
>I have spoken with Sofi on the phone, and got the real scoop.  She
>thought she was doing a good samaritan thing by being the guinea pig
>for some college students in a marketing class.  She had no idea that
>they would go and do something like this.
>She wrote up the attached message for me to send on, explaning it in
>her words.
>(In one of those weird syncronicity things, I'm currently working in
>the marketing division of a consulting firm which tells big companies
>how to market on-line; while I'm not actually a marketroid, I've
>HTML'd so many of their academic reports on e-marketing, that I now
>speak the language.  For any subsequent classes, I am serious
>considering writing a letter to the professor for him to read to the
>class ("Today's lecture is on 'Brand Damage', boys and girls.")  If
>there is someone else out there who speaks marketese more fluently
>than I, who'd like to do it or just contribute, let me know.)
>-- Tibicen
>   tibicen at
>------- Forwarded Message
>To: tibicen at
>From: Sofi <sofi at>
>Subject: Thanks for your help on the Students' goof
>I had no clue these guys were doing this. They are very engergized
>students working on a semester project.
>It really was an innocent survey. The local university (Bradley
>University) near where I live offers a marketing class for seniors and
>they have to do a marketing project on a real life company to graduate.
>The university called me and asked if I would help them out and be the
>real life company. (Their orignal company had backed out only four hours
>before their project was to begin. The canceling company was a
>union-labor management organization, so when they got medieval clothes
>and heard about the SCA, these guys were super enthusiastic.)
>I had no idea these guys would spam anyone. I don't think they knew what
>they were doing. I just called them and asked them what did they think
>they were doing. They said they didn't think they were spamming. They are
>very sorry.
>They have agreed to not do anything else unless they ask me first. You
>should not be bothered again. (Their class is over this semester.)
>Again, I did not know that they were going to do this. They ask for your
>On the good side, they all think the SCA is really cool and maybe will
>join up. Maybe, we'll get a half-more dozen eager members who are wild
>about the middle ages.
>------- End of Forwarded Message
>----------------- End Forwarded Message -----------------
>Jessica Clark
>SCA: Irène leNoir
>irene at
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