ANST - Incipient Canton Of Westgate webpage

Janet E. Tabares janetaba at
Wed Nov 17 15:54:19 PST 1999

Greetings, we in the Incipient Canton of Westgate have just put up a
website.  There are a few bugs to be worked out, but the links work, and it
is still in the construction phase.  If you are an officer in Westgate, and
DO NOT see your name, please email me privately, and we'll get you on the
site ASAP.  If you know of someone that needs to be listed as a contact, let
me know that as well.  This includes guild contacts, etc.
Any omissions are purely ignorance, not intentional.
The site address is
Drop by, take a look and let me know what you think.
PS, Yes, I know I need to add Incipient to the title.  Thanks,  Jessica E.

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