ANST - Stories

David Backlin edrei at
Mon Nov 22 11:11:37 PST 1999

------Original Message------
From: "Rhonda New" <rbnew at>
To: <ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG>
Sent: November 22, 1999 4:31:23 PM GMT
Subject: Re: ANST - Stop: was Young Liar

I, too, enjoy the stories.  Almost as much as I love going into a
WalMart or other store in garb.  It's fun watching the reaction
when the clerk asks if I'm going to/coming from a costume
party and I answer with a very serious, "No."   (Of course, there
was the time recently when some 'mountain men' recreators
came through WalMart.  That was scary.  And a whole different
subject/list.)   ;>


On my way home from Gleann Abhann Coronet Tourney a few weeks ago, I was stopped
for speeding through a small town. The officer first asked me if I was carrying
any guns of knives, to which I responded I was not. He then asked me why I had
so much stuff in my car, to which I responded I ran a small business which
caters to Historical Re-enactors and I was returning from a "show". The officer
did not understand and again asked why I was carrying so much stuff in such a
little car (I drive a Geo).

Well, after three attempts to explain myself, the officer allowed me to go after
giving me a verbal warning about speeding through "his" town.

Ld Edrei the Quiet (mka Dave Backlin)
Shire of Smythkepe
Kingdom of Meridies
edrei at

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