ANST - Re: ansteorra V1 #2066

Burke McCrory burkemc at
Tue Oct 19 21:12:49 PDT 1999

At 09:54 AM 10/19/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Sir Burke said:
> >In our Order of March all current and former rulers,
> >including current Landed Baron/ess but excluding Court
> >Baron/ess, march in front of everyone else including peers.
> >In Ansteorra a current landed baron marches ahead of even a
> >triple peer.
>And let me point out what a grievous injustice you've just explained.
>Countess Sara already pointed out how hard 6 to 9 months of sitting the Throne
>were.  Being a landed baron or baroness doesn't stop after 6 months.  It can
>go on for 3, 6, 7, even 10 years of service, where the landed is "on-stage"
>all the time, assailed with political foo instead of having time to just play
>the game.  When they are good at their job, the landeds work their butts off,
>and they are a vital part of this game we play.
>There should be some difference between plain court baronies (mine, for 
>and those given to former landeds who have rendered so much service to our 
>(all those wonderful people who have put in years of service, and *ack* 
>up early *every* time for court!)  At the very least, I'd expect to see the
>former landeds considered members of the Royal Family, and continue to march
>ahead of the peers.

There is one difference, all be it minor, a former Landed is entitled to 
wear a Ansteorran Star on their coronet.  I would agree with the idea that 
some form of additional differentiation could be created for former landeds 
as they do special service for the Crown and for their Barony.  But I would 
not agree that they should be titled as Royal.  They rule at the pleasure 
of the Crown.  They were chosen as the representative of the Crown.  All of 
their authority and power derives from the Crown.  Unlike a Crown or 
Coronet who rule by right of arms and grace.

>I also have a comment to make about "royalty and royal titles being their own
>reward".  For that matter, we can include barony and peerages in this as well.
>  We all know of nobles and peers who render exemplary service -- if however
>they are brought up in discussion for a Pelican for the service they have 
>as a landed noble, or as a peer, you'll frequently hear, "Oh his/her 
>coronet is all the reward he/she needs" or "Oh, that's just the job expected
>of a Laurel/Knight"
>I think that's a bad answer.  We also all know of peers who, well, just rest
>on their laurels and never contribute meaningfully thereafter.  And landed 
>who were awful rulers, didn't contribute, etc.  I don't propose that we should
>penalize these people -- but I think that we should reward landed baron/esses
>and those peers who *do* render exemplary service as a noble or peer.
>Sometimes a little thing is all that's needed -- word fame and court baronies
>are a couple of ways of rewarding the service a peer renders, and I've seen
>Laurels given Thistles for new artforms they've taken up since their 
>But how do you reward a noble for exemplary service, service which usually 
>after they step down from their landed position?  I think if they were really
>good and served us well, especially when they continue to serve, then the 
>should consider them.  I don't like the practice of adding a patent to the 
>for reasons that Galen outlined.  But by golly, if those people are doing the
>work of a peer, they should be considered just like any other candidate.

I am one of the strongest advocates of the "that is part of their job" when 
looking at peers.  For instance I disagree with the concept of a 
Knight/MOA  getting a sable falcon or a centurion because everything that 
those awards represent is included (in my opinion) in the duties of a 
member of the Chivalry.  The same goes for the other peerages to some 
lesser degree.  Like you point out you would not give a laurel in costuming 
a thistle for costuming but you might, if they learned and excelled in some 
totally new form of art, give them one in woodworking.  As to giving a 
person credit for there service as a landed, I think that the recent 
additions to the pelican circle say all that is needed.

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In Service to the Dream

Sir Burke Kyriell MacDonald, OP
Kingdom of Ansteorra

mka. Burke McCrory
burkemc at
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