Vicki Marsh xaraxene at
Wed Oct 20 10:55:46 PDT 1999

Greetings, from Mistress Xene,

Master Petruccio wrote:
I have heard this argument a great deal since I moved here.
Granted, you cannot teach someone to serve.  However, if they
were not already interested in serving why would you take them as a Protege'?

As a protege of Baron Bran, I have turned to him for guidance and for his knowledge of Ansteorran history.  Knowing what has gone on before, and who has dealt with certain problems, has helped me know who to turn to for help. This knowledge also helps with knowing how  to best communicate with certain individuals.  Bran and I don't always agree on subjects, and I am not a political puppet of his.  This is not the nature of our relationship.  He cannot teach me service, but in taking me as a protege, he let me know that my service was valued and that he was willing to be my mentor.   He never gave me a yellow belt, though, as it was not the tradition in this kingdom - at that time.  Perhaps there are other "stealth" proteges in the Kingdom?

If we do not learn from those who have gone before, we are doomed to make the same mistakes over and over again.

Xene Theriane, Baroness of Elfsea
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