Fw: ANST - Fw: Looking for contacts in Nevada

Phil and Karan Foster phil at globeco.net
Wed Oct 27 07:09:55 PDT 1999

-----Original Message-----
From: Amy Archambault <amya at entouchonline.net>
To: Phil <phil at globeco.net>
Date: Tuesday, October 26, 1999 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: ANST - Fw: Looking for contacts in Nevada

Where in Nevada is your friend?  I use to be a member of Starkhafen (Las Vegas) in Caid.  I might be able to help.  Also going through the www.sca.org web site, can give a list of contacts.  Let me know what I can do. 
-Carmen Salazar 
(mka Amy Archambault) 

Phil and Karan Foster wrote: 

      -----Original Message----- 
    From: Phil and Karan Foster <phil at globeco.net> 
    To: ansteorra <ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG> 
    Date: Friday, October 22, 1999 7:03 AM 
    Subject: Fw: Looking for contacts in Nevada 
      -----Original Message----- 
    From: Phil and Karan Foster <phil at globeco.net> 
    To: ansteorra <owner-ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG> 
    Date: Thursday, October 21, 1999 8:12 PM 
    Subject: Looking for contacts in Nevada 
     Can someone help me.  I have. friend who is trying to find her local group in Nevada.  So far she has had no luck.Does anyone know anyone in the state she might be able contact and get pointed in the right direction?Angus
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