ANST - Still needing addys!

Rebecca M. Heydon rebecca-heydon at
Thu Sep 9 14:56:02 PDT 1999

Alrighty then. :-)

What Lord Pieter told me earlier this week in regards to what I sent up the
pipeline was that the paperwork in question would *not* work at this point
in time.  I also received a reply from Sir Kief that such contemplation was
in the works though it would be a fair while before something was sent down
the mountain, as it were.

Thank you for keeping me (and interested other) appraised!


At 04:01 PM 9/9/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>We are concocting a good working definition of "guardian" right now.  We are
>consulting with lawyers, other Kingdom officers, and other assorted dregs of
>humanity. ;-)
>Piet is waiting on me, and will get you your answer as soon as I make one
>er, get one on paper.
>Kazimir Petrovich Pomeshanov
>Kingdom Rapier Marshal
>"Rebecca M. Heydon" wrote:
>> Lord Pieter:
>> I contacted you earlier this week about a guardianship issue in Northkeep
>> for children rapier fighters. :-)
>> But thank you for checking....
>> Lady Rowan ni Coerc
>> Seneschal, Barony of Northkeep
>> (& Youth Boffer Marshal)

Rebecca M. Heydon			
University of Tulsa - College of Law Library	
ph:  918-629-2594	
fax:  918-631-2151  
rebecca-heydon at
"If you can't be kind, at least 
	have the decency to be vague."
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