ANST - Easter Egg Hunt

Trish Kvamme ladyoftherose at
Tue Apr 4 18:08:48 PDT 2000

Greetings to the list!

Every year, I have traditionally had an Easter get together for families 
with children (or adults who still think like Children).  There is no 
minimum or maximum age for the children who would like to participate, I 
only ask that if you brought them, you help corral them!!!

I have no less than a billion plastic eggs which we fill with candy (and the 
occasional $20.00 bill to make things interesting) and hide all over the 
house and yard.

We provide alot of food, and ask that people also bring something to share.

There will be a pinata, a few fun easter games, and alot of neat people.

By tradition, I open this to anyone and everyone who would like to attend.  
I live in Carrollton, which is technically the North Dallas area.

For those of you who would like to attend, there is also alot of armour 
books and the occasional costuming book to be viewed, as well as tons of 
movies, both period and fun.

The time to show up is at 1:00 in the afternoon, and it's over when the last 
child throws in the towel!

Please consider yourself invited.

You can rsvp to me at ladyoftherose at :)

Hope to see many of you there!

Duchess Larissa
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