ANST - TI Wish List

Betty betty at
Sat Aug 26 11:50:32 PDT 2000

Greetings Good Gentles,

Just a reminder that TI is particularly interested in receiving articles
on the following topics:

Articles on beeswax or tallow candlemaking; weaving; finishing leather
and furs; making baskets and nets; making shoes, hats, and garb;
calligraphy; illumination.

Essays on Whitsun, Yuletide, Midsummer's Day, or other medieval
festivals; medieval music and dance; beekeeping; gambling and games of
chance; medieval children's games; coursing the hounds; football or
other medieval outdoor games; naming customs.

Medieval recipes for porridge; bread; poultry; making cheese; making
salt; salting or smoking meat; fruit preserves or dried fruit; making
ale from grain.

A challenge for those skilled in the arts martial: submissions on any
aspect of the martial arts, including fighting, armoring, archery, and
rapier, are needed and welcome.

Please remember that artwork, illustrations and photography help convey
to the reader your ideas. Ask a friend to take a photo while you are
making armor or tending your bees. Drawings of household objects, in a
medieval style, are especially of interest. See the submission
guidelines and the tips for writers on the TI web site at if you are interested in submitting articles or
artwork on these (or any other) topics.

Your Servant,

Bettina von Hasenfeld, Editor
Tournaments Illuminated

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