ANST - [Fwd: [Fwd: Fw: Namron B&B stepping down]]

blat at blat at
Tue Feb 8 22:19:26 PST 2000

oops sorry, meant to sent this privately...


blat at wrote:
   Friends, Brothers and Sisters,
     After receiving messages from Baroness Claryce, she has asked me to
 spread the word that she and Baron Aethelstan will be stepping down at
 Northern Regional Tribute this weekend, due to some problems that have
 arisen.  They think these problems can be better handled if they step
 Mistress Gwenyth will take over as Vicaris until a new B&B can be
 The stepping up will be at Beltain.
      Some of you may have already heard.  Claryce said she doesn't want
everyone to be shocked at NRT.  She also asked that it NOT be put on the
 lists, "They are too impersonal."
     So, spread the word.  I'll see alot of you at NRT.

 In Service to the Dream, Lady Etienett

 No light shines on the mind protected
 No light shines on the fang neglected
 Run with the wolfpack.    (song lyrics)

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