ANST - Kingdom Membership/Pay to Play

Worf worf428 at
Fri Feb 11 05:03:07 PST 2000

Greetings to the list.

I am fairly new , 2 yrs active and paid membership.
I had attended quiet a few Sat practices and a few
populace meetings Here in Northkep,before i decided it
was right for me.

The last Populace i went to. we had a drawing for 1 yr
paid membership from those attending. I am also one of
those who cant aford more than 4 or 5 events a year,
because of work schedule and occasionaly money.

I was Welcome before I paid, and I am still Welcomed
after I paid...I see any and all Awards as something
given, If you have to have a membership to get an
award that you wish to recieve,then pay the monies.

Thanks for Listening,
Galiwyn Varianes..

A lover, Not a fighter.
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