ANST - SR Chronicler Officer Update Info

Berta Allen chrystal_dragon at
Thu Jan 6 13:45:22 PST 2000

> > > Please excuse the bandwith...
Though I don't have to explain anything, just this once, for the record:
generally meant for a new beginning, nothing more or less meant
to be read into it, otherwise, what-ever-Mary!
(everyday is a new beginning...glad to have changed the subject
for a little while at least...)

>Okay, rant snipped, and since I've got to live with the fallout once
>Chrystal reads these posts I may as well get a word in now
There will be no isn't necessary.

>(general disclaimer-THIS IS MEANT IN JEST!  DO NOT TAKE SERIOUSLY!  >No, I 
>have not lost my mind!  This is not an official statement of >the Barony of 
>Ravens Fort!)

>HE Chrystal has repeatedly reminded me over the past two weeks that >we 
>have not and will not start the new millennium until next year.  >Please 
>note she did not say the "M" word anywhere in her post.

>I've even seen her eyes bulge at the mere suggestion.  She is of one mind 
>with Alisandre on this matter.  I am indifferent.
Wrong! Actually, I, too am indifferent to the entire topic...

>Having pointed this out, and deftly side-stepping the millennium >issue, I 
>will adamantly argue that a new century has begun.  A new one begins with 
>every second, half-second or however you care to meter time and one equally 
>closes. I for one am liberal enough to believe that one hundred years has 
>past. Somehow. It's all >dependent on where you count back to.  It may not 
>square off with a nice round number at the stroke of midnight.  So what!
>It's a human thing, none of the other creatures I've met seem to >care.

>What's really the issue is when we started counting.  Blame it on the 
>Victorians.  They shoulda been more careful. In fact, this whole >y2k thing 
>wouldn't have happened if Babbage would have had a little >foresight. You 
>know, everybody says that George Burns lived to be >one hundred years old. 
>Did he?  His first year was all in that count >up to being 1 year old and 
>he died before hitting 101.  So >technically he lost the bet.  Do we take 
>away his centurion status >on a technicality?

>What if that Gregorian dude woke up with a hang over and decided to put off 
>counting time for a day or so?  What if the world was >created on Friday 
>afternoon instead of 10:56 am, Thursday?  HMMM... >In other words our whole 
>concept of time really gets down to a 365 >day earth cycle divided by a 
>decimal counting system that has more >to do with number of digits on our 
>hands than any divine mandate >which governs every moment of our existence.

>Kinda makes you wonder why we've got to be to work at 8 am.  As far >as the 
>millennium goes, hmmm... ask me next year.
ditto, I'll ask ya when I see ya then...

>Thanks for your indulgence,
>collections accepted for therapy,
>thanks for the mental stimulation,
>David St. David
>....and as for as Chrystal's witty sig line....
>"The ideal of the world resides in individual improvement:
>it will grow with your strength, grow beautiful with your
>perfection. But for you to follow this path, two things
>matter above all else: an ardent curiosity for life and
>an unprejudiced mind."  --Pieter Paul Rubens--
>----WOW!...Pee Wee said that!
>dsd, hehe

DAVID! It was his great uncle, twice removed, on his mother's side...
*GRIN*, 'nuff said,
(thank you all for your indulgence!)
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