ANST - Ansteorra Queen's

PotterKD at PotterKD at
Thu Jan 27 18:37:01 PST 2000

Greetings unto the list,

This message is to beg a boon from the Ansteorran Rapier Community.  For 
those who are from other Kingdoms please forgive the Bandwidth.

I and the autocrat have received a number of phone calls questioning if 
Queen's is still this I say YES!  There is to be no rain only cold 
weather.  The entire event is being moved inside of a very large pavilion 
30X60 with additional pavilions around its edge for additional space.  Also 
-- there will be heaters and hot drinks.

Also -- If you have a large pavilion and are willing to bring it please do.  
We will use it on the periphery of the BFT for more elbow room.

I ask a boon for everyone locals/reigonals/fighters -- to please call those 
members in your local rapier community and let them know that Queen's is 
still taking place.  The net only consists of approximately 30% of 
Ansteorra's population -- even one of my list mistresses called to make sure 
it was still happening *smile*.  Let everyone know that is weekend We plan to 
inform Mother Nature that Ansteorrans are fighters of the most noble kind and 
will not be undone!

See you at Queen's!!!

Kayleigh, Queen
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