ANST - Red Tape

Darlene Vandever hlannes at
Sun Jul 16 17:43:42 PDT 2000

 Dear Mahee,

     Red tape was as interesting as it usually is.  It's too bad that many folks figure it is just for the GOOFS or the regional.  Anyone who is interested in how the SCA in Ansteorra runs should really make the effort to attend.  I've attended 3 of the 4 Red Tape's now and I learn something new and different every time.
    One neat thing about RT is getting to put faces with names and emails.  I really enjoy that.  Also, some really good ideas have come out of the RT's so far. 
    This red tape did not have any earth-shattering, Kingdom-dooming doings going on at it and I didn't take a bunch of copicous notes this time (bad Annes!!!) like I normally do.  But some of the things I found interesting was listening to Mistress Stasya during the break out sessions explain more of how our artisans are chosen for Gulf War.  Another thing I like to about RT is getting to ask questions that are new...I cleared up some personal questions about reporting and the forms of reporting on the spot.  Face-to-face often gets things done that email can't.  People say, well...why don't you just as the Kingdom officer these things at an event..Well, I've found they are often too busy or I am to busy to sit down for the individual attention I can get from RT.  It builds a personal relationship between the upline and the downline that is sometimes difficult to achieve if you are separated by a lot of distance.  Not that we would know anything about long distances in *this* way <grin>.
    Something else that was interesting was watching our Kingdom Treasurer in action.  If you haven't met Mistress Mirrium, try to do so.  She is really one together lady.  Such a tough job and she handles it so well.  You can sit and read handbooks all day long but having someone stand up and go over the rules is so helpful to understand.
    I guess to sum up RT, the emphasis was again on communication.  That is a recurrant theme of all the RT's I've gone to.  How to get the reports done, what needs to be in them, the need for uplines to respond better to downlines with problems, how to identify and put out small fires before they become wildfires.  All very interesting to me.  I've been an officer of one type or the other for nearly 14 years now and hearing ideas on how to do it "smaller, better, faster" is always of interest to me.
   Hope this helps.  You really ought to come to the next one if you can.
   Actually, anybody reading this ought to consider it the next time.  Until then, I remain....

In Service,

On Sun, 16 Jul 2000 16:07:48   Russell Husted wrote:
>So, what happened at Red Tape?

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