ANST - New Topic and Possible explanation for a Quiet List...

Sean Kelley skelley at
Fri Sep 22 08:52:31 PDT 2000

I humbly suggest the time honored method

Alcohol and scantily clad attractive people at wild parties.

Barring that meat hooks and tranquns work well so I hear.


-----Original Message-----
From: gtaylor [mailto:gtaylor at]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 10:21 AM
To: ansteorra at
Subject: ANST - New Topic and Possible explanation for a Quiet List...'s a topic that should not eventually degrade into at least
8.254 sincere public apologies due to a general lack of effective
communication, misunderstandings or unintended toe-steppings or
insults....   ;)

What's the most creative and/or effective newcomer recruitment method
that you've seen or heard about?

(If my first paragraph insulted or offended anyone, I apologize in
advance....only 7.254 to go)

Naughty Kingdom Hospitaler on a Fishing Expedition.

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