ANST - Ansterorran Squires egroup has been started - last one!

GuyLestran at GuyLestran at
Fri Jan 26 15:26:15 PST 2001

I had to fix a spelling error.

<A HREF=""></A>

Hi all I thought this would help us all communicate a little better and help 
each other out a bit.   

Any squire of a knight/student of a master is invited to join.  I'd like to 
apologize to any who might take offense to the group just being open to 
squires, no slight is meant to anyone.  And this is of course not to imply 
that squires are any better then 
anyone else or have any sort of silly ranking or anything, it's just a badge 
of learning and service (well in my view at least).

In Service.

Guy LeStrange.

Below is the description that's under the group name.

This group is for the squires/students of  Anstreorran knights/masters at 
arms to freely pass information to both improve themselves and the kingdom.  
squires/students joining this group should state who their knight/master is 
in their initial email so we know who everyone is.  The group is only open to 
squires/students at this point.  The group is to pass along and share ideas 
on where we are and how we might want to get were we're going.  It is not a 
place to talk about how great our knights/masters are (we all know how great 
they are already), though passing along ideas are fine.   I'd like to use 
this as a place where we can bounce ideas off each other and use them to 
improve ourselves. As members of the group are knighted (or whatever) they 
will be removed from the list (there's another group for them).   

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