[Ansteorra] did anyone see Logan the Smith at Queens?

Jane Sitton jane.sitton at radioshack.com
Mon Jul 30 06:43:48 PDT 2001

Greetings unto the list.

Pardon this use of the bandwidth, but I am curious if anyone who attended
Queen's Champion this past weekend saw Logan the Smith there.  He was
supposed to call home when he arrived safely Friday evening.  He was
supposed to call Sunday when he left the site on his way to Austin to attend
to some business today.  He doesn't answer his cell phone, and has not
picked up any of his messages.  He would have been driving a white Plymouth
van, rather long, as it carries 12 passengers.

Feel free to phone me at work if you have any information regarding his
whereabouts.  I'm beginning to get a wee bit nervous.

Many thanks,
Madelina de Lyndesaye
mka Jane Sitton-Logan
817-415-6026 work
817-551-7642 home

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