ANST - Gulf war sugestions... endurance stuff

Jennene Stanley mooharpist at
Thu Mar 8 09:38:46 PST 2001


I am not a fighter but in the course of  endurance training I have learned
some stuff that could be of use.

PowerBar makes this stuff called "Power gel". It's concentrated
carbohydrates with loads of potassium (which keeps the muscles happy) It's
really easy to digest while being active. (you don't have to go all day
without eating) Some of the gels contain caffeine. I started out with the
non-caffeinated gels and had the caffeine towards the end of the day. This
was of course with loads and loads of water. (Be careful to not just drink
plain water but intersperse it with some sort of sports drink so that you
don't get your electrolytes out of wack)

Two days before the event where you are going to be fighting, load up on
proteins. On the day before, eat pasta like it is going out of style. The
day after be sure to eat potassium rich foods (like bananas).  If you are
going to drink alcohol be sure to drink lots of water.

Also don't forget to stretch before, during and after activity. (gets the
lactic acid out of the muscles. It's lactic acid that makes muscles hurt.)

I hope this can help. Gee, maybe I should teach a class on this? <shrugs>
Good luck to all who are going.

Jennene Stanley
"Chase the light I see ahead. Luminate the path I tread.
 I live to be the best I can"                       - Queensrÿche
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