ANST - Tournaments in the Middle Ages

Mark.S Harris mark.s.harris at
Tue May 1 08:44:17 PDT 2001

Valstarr asked:
>    Would someone be willing to share some of their favorite URL's that
> have material about the time frames and weapons and particularly armor
> styles that were in period  during the time tournaments were held in the
> Middle Ages?

Well, I'm hardly an unbiased source :-), but there are these files in
the COMBAT section of the Florilegium:
axes-msg          (13K) 12/13/99    Viking axes, throwing axes.
gambesons-msg     (32K)  9/27/96    Gambesons, SCA and period.
p-armor-msg       (86K)  7/ 5/96    Period armor.
pottery-wepns-msg  (6K) 12/21/99    Period use of pottery in weapons.
quarterstaff-msg  (18K)  1/ 7/00    Quarterstaffs and why they're not
used in
                                      the SCA.
swords-msg        (27K)  4/ 3/96    Medieval swords, history of various
tournaments-art   (36K)  8/16/95    Articles on doing more authentic SCA 
                                         tournaments by Arval.
tournaments-msg   (54K)  4/ 2/96    Medieval tournaments.
weapons-msg       (14K)  3/12/92    Period weapons other than the sword.
Women-Battle-art  (35K)  5/21/99    "Women and the Art of Battle in the
                                       Middle Ages" by Robin E. Craig.
wounds-msg        (18K) 10/12/95    Battle wounds in period.

Many of these will be a mix of information on both period and SCA
combat, but I'm afraid I generally have things organised by topic
and not time frame. 

The Florilegium is at:

There are also a large number of books on medieval armor. These 
really pack a lot more info in both pictures and text than you will 
be able to get off the web. I would strongly recommend getting a few
of these. They often show up as remainders, so often the price isn't
too bad. A number of these books are reviewed in various Florilegium

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