[Ansteorra] Travel cost

Tessa Nieto eleanor_cleavely at yahoo.com
Thu May 17 16:10:08 PDT 2001


For my lord and I, gasoline is a major part of
travelling costs. We had planned on going to Grand
Outlandish (my lord is from the Outlands) until we sat
down and worked out the costs of travelling to
Albuquerque. Gas would cost us about $100-150
roundtrip. Unfortunately, that's $150 we don't have.

We are very lucky to live in Elfsea in that many
events are pretty close to home. Perhaps once I finish
school and budgetary matters are taken care of, we may
begin to travel outside our great barony.

For those who are travelling, I would suggest that
people begin to car pool. It's a great way to travel
and it would save money in the long run!

I hope that gas prices go down soon, although I really
don't see that happening. :O(

Just my 2£!
Lady Eleanor Cleavely


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