[Ansteorra] Soiled Dove

Contessa da Mosto contessa_damosto at hotmail.com
Fri May 25 10:48:29 PDT 2001

Salutations Dearest Limbrick,

I have my sources making inquiries about Lizzy. I believe that she may be
pleasing to our carpenters and of course anything to speed the work up on
the Dove.

I also believe with my training she may be able to work her way up the
stairs in the future.

You are right about the rest of the "ladies" of the Boar's Breast. I have
heard Emma is of not much use. As for Isabel she likes to give it away or
keep the coin and we do not need one who does not know how to
prevent...shall we say problems. Especially with the Nobles.

I do not think even with my knowledge and experiance I could make proper
ladies out of the lot of them!

Warmest Thoughts
Contess 'da Mosto
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