[Ansteorra] Online armorial

gtaylor gtaylor at lonestar.jpl.utsa.edu
Wed May 30 11:10:45 PDT 2001

Okay...I feel like an idiot, but no matter what I do, I can't get the
online SCA armorial to give me a non-truncated blazon of folks' arms.
For example, if I look up mine, here's what I get:

2 items matched name="Isobel Grace Hadleigh".

    Isobel Grace Hadleigh
        This name was registered in April of 1998 (via Ansteorra).
        The following device associated with this name was registered in
April of 1999 (via Ansteorra):
        Azure, on a bend invected argent, a salamander te

My salamander is tergiant and enflamed, not "te".   The blazon gets
truncated in both Netscape and Explorer.

I tried looking it up by the date, and got the same.

And, no...I didn't forget my own device...I was looking up someone
else's.  It was long enough that it didn't even list down to the major



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