[Ansteorra] Lindenwood Ladies Pavilion Report

Judy Nesmith ladydunpiobair at yahoo.com
Thu May 31 10:54:25 PDT 2001

Kom heil og sael!

An especial thank you and hearty Vivat to Lady Siobhan
for the wonderful, gorgious favors she made to present
to those whom we chose as our favorites in the

I would ask Lady Siobhan to post our chosen favorites
to the lists, if she would.

In Service,
Lady Sunnifa Eiriksdottir
Lindenwood Ladies' Pavillion Co-ordinator (Retired! :)


First, I would like to apologize for the tardiness of
this missive.  You are welcome Lady Sunnifa, it is
nice to know that my small offerings are appreciated.
I would like to offer a very hearty and loud Vivat for
Lady Sunnifa for executing an extremely pleasurable
Ladies' Pavilion.  It was the first time in six years
that I have been able to stay for both days and I
enjoyed myself immensely.  Now on to the really
important issue.  The winners of the grand prize
favors are as follows:*

Heavy Weapons:
Lord David Michael Collinwood

Special Honorable Mention (and recipient of a special
favor made by my own hand on site):
Lord Killian ( also known as Turtle) MacCrae
Lord Ramon Fallenstar
Baron Bryan du Val

Light Weapons:
Baron Sir Emrys Shaunnon

Special Honorable Mention (and recipient of a special
favor made by my own hand on site):
Lord Carroll MacDonald (for bringing attention to his
son, Cormac.  Lord Carroll is also the winner of the
prize for Best Persona Play).
Ryanhardt Hubble
Lord Sebastian del Ralstoun
Baron Master Don Robin of Gilwell (for making it
possible for us to see _both_ of his best sides).
Lady? Baroness? Brianna (the lovely lady who sang
"Flowers of the Forest" for us and was marshaling the
list .  Would you please contact me privately?  I have
something for you.).

Youth Rapier:
Margarete d'Aubernon

Special Honorable Mention (and recipient of a special
favor made by my own hand on site):
Taran Apvaughen
Cormac McDonnaill

Thank you one and all for demonstrating the magical
aspect of the Society.  Please take notice of these
gentles, they are ones to watch closely.

*Big Note:  All misspellings of names and
misuse/absence of honorifics are absolutely,
undeniably, irrefutably my fault, please accept my
most profound apologies.

In Service to the Canton of Lindenwood,
The Barony of The Steppes,
And the Great Kingdom of Ansteorra,

Lady Siobhan O'Donnabhain

-=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=-=*=-
I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once.- Jennifer Unlimited
It is often better not to see an insult than to avenge it.
- Seneca

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