[Ansteorra] Garb Help

Susan catmafia at swbell.net
Tue Nov 27 10:23:13 PST 2001

>Middleford.  Our beloved Hospitaler has seen my husband.  She has nothing
>that would even close to fitting him.  And he is bigger than majority of our
>local lords.  Just to give an idea 6'4" and nearly 300lbs.  Shopping for his
>clothes is fun.

Ahh, we didn't have much of that size in our loaner garb either.  Although
that is what we call an Ansteorran large.  If you are making him tunics and
want more width in the fabric, don't forget sheets as they come wider than

Susan the Curious
Barony of Northkeep
Susan-the-Curious at swbell.net

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