[Ansteorra] Silent auction

Geni Gorham geni_rn at swbell.net
Fri Sep 21 16:31:33 PDT 2001

This is a reminder that I am taking donations for a silent auction to be
held in Their Majesties names at Nameron Protectorate, in mid Oct.
I am sure as a group and individually we have help in many ways during
this time of crisis in the U.S.A.
So I now ask you to let us not forget the recent Tornado that hit Their
Majesties home and help them in this small way.
If you cannot donate anything, just please come to the event and bid as
you see fit.
A week prior to the event I will post a list of items for auction.
Thank you,
In Service to Ansteorra and Their Majesties,
Lady Jessamy, Barony of Northkeep, House Wizard's Keep

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