[Ansteorra] History/Enculturation/Cliquishness....

Theron Bretz tbretz at montroseclinic.org
Wed Apr 24 12:50:02 PDT 2002

> That is sad. I know the feeling I've been there before. A lot of period
> mannerism has died out in the last several years. And unfortunately when
> some folks get up there in rank (sorta speak) they become full of
> to notice others unless it involves the things that gave them there rank.
> have seen this with the fighters. All they want to talk about or do is
> anything that has to do with fighting. Everything is second best.

Sadly, the good old days were seldom as good as people think they were. I
can show you articles and letters in twenty year old issues of TI that say
the same thing you did above. The fact is, when we first get in, it's all
magical, shiny and new. As uncourteous as our modern world is, even a
modicum of medieval courtoisie seems grand. As it becomes familiar, the
gloss wears off.  After a while, we start noticing what's wrong more than we
notice what's right.

I find the best cure for this is new people.  Even if I can't re-experience
my first days in the Society, I can do it vicariously through them.


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