[Ansteorra] History/Enculturation/Cliquishness....

Lightfootcim at aol.com Lightfootcim at aol.com
Wed Apr 24 18:55:23 PDT 2002

Greetings All,

I do not post to the Ansteorran list very often, but all of this discussion
of chivalry and helping ladies has struck a chord of remembrance in me.  I
have been in the SCA for over 16 years and one of the traits of the SCA that
has kept me going in the early years of  my involvment is the chivalry aspect
of the Society.

At first, when I was new, I was very shy and had to remember to always ask,
be it lady or lord, if they needed assistance.  After a while, it became
second nature.  The only time I can truly remember being turned down for
assistance was when I was sent by Duke Patrick Michael to help (then) Ly.
Nissa.  As soon as I asked, I had to chase her down just to get an answer.
It was really funny.  She had a very *ahem" unique approach to letting me
know that she was okay with what she was carrying.  These are some of my
fondest memories of the SCA.

Over the years, however, while I still help wherever I can (usually running
errands, gate, or expediting something that needs doing), I am reminded by
this thread that I have been somewhat remiss in making a point to offer my
assistance to people who may need help with the smaller things that may
really make their day, and only take a few moments of my time.

It is easy to get wrapped up in what you are doing at an event, whether it is
working, visiting, or whatever and forget the "little things" that make the
event just as special -- maybe not to you, but to someone else.  I did not
realize how easy until now myself.

In Seawinds (my home shire) there has been a great influx of new members.
The best way for newcomers to the SCA to learn about the Society is to watch
the "older" members.  I am sure it is that way in every group.  I plan on
being a better example to the newcomers.

To whoever started this thread - Vivat!  It may have stirred up a lot of
conversation, but it also may have opened peoples eyes, so to speak.  To
those of you who are being chivalrous and helping , Vivat to you, too!
Please don't ever stop!  You help keep the Dream alive, at least for some of

In service,

HL John Lightfoot
Apprentice to Mistress Corrinne

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