[Ansteorra] What Would Your Persona Be Reading?

C. L. Ward gunnora at vikinganswerlady.org
Fri Apr 26 05:57:11 PDT 2002

Valstarr said:
>You know, I had started to come up with an answer
>to this one, but then it made me realize I didn't
>know for sure that what I was going to reply with
>would have been accurate to a mid-11th century
>Norse, particularly one who spent time in the
>service of the Empress Zoe before having to *ahem*
>depart rather quickly, and who just now, in the early
>summer of 1066, has managed to make his way back
>into the area of Noerthern Europe.

Book?  What's a "book"?  I pass my time listening to the grandfathers sing
stories of old heroes and the gods.  I particularly like the tales of Þórr's
adventures among the giants, or the stories of the Dragonslayer and his kin.


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