[Ansteorra] gulf wars idea #2

Mahee mahee_of_acre at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 21 08:36:47 PST 2002

Since idea #1 did not meat with the owners design req's, here is
another idea:

I saw a burned down mobil home on the way home from work the other day.
It got me thinking. What if we took a 72' trailor, mobile home bed, and
put something perminant on it. we could haul it in for war and either
bring it home or store it up there after war.

It could be used for storing say...seige ramps, as well as serve as a
gate house, war office...

If you wanted to get real elaborate then you could park it so it was
crossing the road,unbolt the wheel/axle unit, lower it so it is flush
with the ground, leave a space in the middle so vehicles could drive
through and build small towers/building on both ends and use them for
ideas listed above.

your servant,

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