[Ansteorra] Kansas State historical society bans re-enactments of war orviolence

fitzmorgan at cs.com fitzmorgan at cs.com
Wed Feb 27 13:41:44 PST 2002

   If my previous message offended anyone please assume the idiots I mentioned did not include you.

Who is Sick and feeling cranky.

fitzmorgan at cs.com wrote:

>Burke McCrory <bmccrory at oktax.state.ok.us> wrote:
>>I received this from a friend in a civil war group.  Looks like it could
>>apply to SCA activities as well.
>>Sir Burke
>   Did we always have this many fuzzy-minded idiots, or is it just that the idiots don't get eaten by bears anymore and live long enough to breed more idiots?
>Who has just exceeded his stupidity allowance for the day.

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