[Ansteorra] marriage and registered persona names

Mark.S Harris mark.s.harris at motorola.com
Fri Jan 18 12:19:27 PST 2002

"Addington, Debbie, A" wrote:
> Friesian. 12c.
> women generally kept their maiden name.  and children could be given either
> the fathers surname or the mothers.  usually sons to dad's by way of
> patronimics and daughters were one or the other.
> this continued up to the 1700's, but was changed to what we in mundane have,
> by the 1800's.
> who's secondary passion is Geneology.  ;)
> maidenhair

Thanks. However, one more question for the medievally geographically
challenged (ie: me), where is/was Friesia on a modern map?

Stefan li Rous

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