[Ansteorra] B.L.A.T. FREE Feast Info.

W. C. Smith wcsmith at ionet.net
Sun Jan 27 20:54:57 PST 2002

Greetings to one and all!

Baroness Adria and I have the great honor of being the feastocrats for Brad
Leah's Ansteorran Tribute.  The menu will be as follows:
fresh, home-baked breads, cheese, butters; hearty Beef & Barley Stew in
Bread Trenchers; Mushroom Soup; and a delicious dessert of
Cakes and Rose Cream graciously provided by Ldy Elizabeth de Calais and Ldy
Anawyn, both of Northkeep.  Tea, water, and apple cider will be provided to
drink.  We will continue to serve until we run out of food so bring your
appetites!  As with the rest of this great Event... this feast is FREE!  We
will gladly accept any monetary donations you feel inspired to give.
Preferably after feast.  All donations will be turned over to the Autocrats
to be forwarded to the mighty Kingdom of Ansteorra.  We thank you and look
forward to serving you at B.L.A.T.!!

In service to Kingdom and the Dream of the Griffins,

Master Artorius ap Caradoc, O.P.

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