[Ansteorra] a suggestion

Nancy Wederstrandt nweders at mail.utexas.edu
Thu Jul 25 10:37:38 PDT 2002

not being a great mood today.  I have a suggestion.

  I don't think that if you can't afford a membership don't come is a very
"happy" solution.

I tend to agree with the surcharge that pays for itself...... Many an
organization I was interested in I tried out... especially the more social
of the groups.  Now I hate to say anything disrespectful but the SCA is
primarily NOT an educational group - it is instead a social group where
education is a sideline.    So I would try out such a group before spending
money to be a member.

I also resent the fact that people who are interested in joining, "new
people" as it were, being prohibited in a way from participating.  Many,
many people volunteer and subsequently join because they volunteered.  I
hear stories from people about how they came to see what it was about and
wound up serving or working in the kitchen - having a great time and
joining because it was so much fun doing that.  In a group that does
nothing to protect it's volunteers it seems to add to the fact that the SCA
is discouraging volunteerism.


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