[Ansteorra] Dehydration

L T ldeerslayer at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 17 09:23:32 PDT 2002

Looking briefly on the web...(though not that everything you
read on the web is true...) on sports medicine sites
current theory seems to be:

in regards to dehydration:

Water is fine for 1 hour or under of exercise
after that you need to alternate an electolyte
solution and water or take in electrolytes with
your water (i.e. pickles, oranges, etc)

apparently when the electolytes are out of balance
our bodies do not absorb the water the way they should.

They also suggest that caffine and alcohol (or any
diaretic) intake should be stopped 24 hours before heavy exercise....
(like I see THAT happening...especially at war... ;)
since those promote dehydration...

Potassium toxicity is rare even amongst the most active of atheletes.
It does happen though...especially in reaction to some medications
and risk increases if you have any impairment of the kidneys
(i.e. kidney disease, alcohol consumption...etc)

it's symptoms are:

muscle fatigue and cardiac arrythmia...


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