[Ansteorra] Re: Non-member surcharge

C. L. Ward gunnora at vikinganswerlady.org
Thu Jul 25 13:39:28 PDT 2002

Lady Susannah Blackthorne wrote:
>So are you saying no matter what, you should
>have a paid membership? Does that include
>wearing a brass hat, or a pelican, or a laurel?
>Should we demand that to continue holding the
>honor, that you should pay a membership? To have
>the Nobles, lead by example??

When I was made a Laurel, I made the decision to keep my membership paid
current no matter what.  I personally feel that as a peer and a noble it
would be dishonorable of me to refuse to support the organization which has
given me so much over the last 20 years.  I certainly don't always agree
with the corporation or its decisions.  But the corporation provides the
framework without which this delightful activity wouldn't be able to exist.
I feel, therefore, that I have an obligation to be a paid member if I want
to participate.

In the past I've gotten a big discount when I attended the symphony, because
I had previously joined the Symphony Assosiation.  I've gotten discounts on
hotel rooms while travelling to events because I am a paid member of Triple
A.  If the SCA charges a little less to paid members, then it's the same
type of thing, and it goes on in Real Life (TM) every single day all around
you, so why get all hot and sweaty over it?

Frankly, I can decide to go to one less event each year, and the savings
from that finances the membership.  Or I can give up a couple of pizzas and
accomplish the same thing.  Paying the membership fee is not that big of a
hardship - if I can afford to go to one event, pay gate, pay for either
feast or groceries and pay for gas, then I can, if desired, scrape up enough
to pay the membership fee.  If I'm too broke to pay for my membership, then
by golly I am too broke to attend events at all, which makes the whole point
moot.  *shrug*


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